The San Francisco Randonneurs would like to invite you to participate in our Point Reyes Populaire, to be held on June 22, 2013. The
Populaire is 115 km in length (71 miles) and has a time limit of 7.5
hours. The Populaire is intended to introduce riders to the sport of
Check in will begin at 6:15 am in front of the new Bridge Pavilion building (where the Strauss statue used to be) at the
South end of the Golden Gate Bridge. The ride will begin at 7:00am. The finish location will be in the grassy picnic area of the Crissy Field Center.
Register using your credit card via PayPal or complete your signed registration form, sign the release form and mail to the address on the form.
If you decide to join us too late to mail the forms in time, please send email to with an electronic copy of the filled out form so we can make a brevet card for you. You must bring the signed form to the ride start. Look for a reply email from the RBA.