2018 Results
2018 Results

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 21, 2018 Point Reyes 117k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Austin Andrews 07:47
12425 Mike Atkins 07:47
Bill Banks 06:04
7277 Greg Beato 05:16
7647 Cheryl Becker 06:35
8063 Jon Beckham 06:35
Lauren Bergenholrz 07:47
12409 Joshua Blank 07:11
345 Jim Bradbury 07:07
7251 Michael Burke 06:04
3502 Sarah Burke 07:38
Aaron Cabrera 06:34
12444 Scott Carlile 05:12
8043 Nathanial Cavalieri 07:12
10340 Michael Chalfant 06:35
Edric Cho 07:47
Dylan Clark 07:47
7148 French Clements 07:47
Sarah Coyle 06:45
Alexander DAmour 06:13
Sarah Davenport 06:16
Zach Davis 05:27
Sidney Dietz 05:58
4841 Carlos Duque 05:08
Karin Dydell 07:47
11832 Mark Eastman 07:25
Kate Elliott 07:25
7601 Carlin Eng 05:20
Richard Exley 06:45
287 Bonnie Faigeles 07:07
9205 Brian Feinberg 06:45
12159 Steven Garen 06:34
8408 Vlad Georgevich 06:15
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 07:12
9315 Eric Gordon 05:41
9051 Ethan Guy 07:25
5831 Stephen Haas 06:04
3356 Tom Haggerty 06:04
Stuart Hanson 07:07
2515 Rob Hawks 06:35
8930 Patrick Herlihy 06:04
9629 Erik Hetzner 06:40
LaReina Hillseth 07:43
Jay Ho 06:30
12230 Abrar Kazi 07:30
11569 Reed Kennedy 06:16
Alex Kirillov 05:20
8074 Ann Klein 07:38
Steve Krause 07:05
Jeff Larson 06:13
12404 Alan Lehman 06:11
8413 Robert Lockwood 05:58
12248 Michael Loney 06:16
Lina Martensson 05:41
10902 Fabrice Medio 07:10
5120 Greg Merritt 06:35
12398 Patrick Miller 07:18
12433 Sergio Miranda 06:34
10201 Ryan Morehouse 05:32
Chris Mort 06:34
12410 Haley Mousseau 07:11
8872 Angela Navarro 06:35
2505 Willy Nevin 06:21
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 05:43
Alex Ozak 05:53
10446 Gary Parsons 07:25
12427 Tyler Phelps 07:17
5464 Jason Pierce 05:39
6629 Denise Primrose 07:38
12335 Rolando Quibol 06:45
9628 Mark Reyes 06:35
Rachel Richards 06:11
12430 Ken Roberts 06:54
12128 Jeffrey Rogers 07:23
8978 Roy Ross 05:30
11695 Mark Rowan 06:49
12282 Erika Rowen 07:14
Igor Rubinov 07:22
11962 Frank San Miguel 07:13
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 05:32
10904 Mark Seedall 05:36
Ryan Seekely 07:41
Debra Sellers 06:23
7622 Robert Sexton 06:45
Jeremy Shaw 07:25
John Shilkaitis 07:41
11425 JinUk Shin 05:32
12278 David Stentiford 07:22
10877 Eric Stinson 05:22
8324 Andy Strickland 06:54
10262 Elaine Strickland 06:54
Phillip Swenson 06:07
12293 Daniel Swick 07:17
227 Todd Teachout 06:37
Wendy Towle 07:14
7383 Metin Uz 05:32
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 05:04
10858 Carlos Villarreal 05:12
8160 Eric Walstad 06:57
12352 Jerad Weiner 07:25
Victor Yelevich 07:13
Neda Zandi 05:39
Kelsey Zorn 07:47

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 27, 2018 Pierce Point 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12156 Nicholas Abler 11:21
11139 Samir Aboulhouda 11:38
Kevin Ahlvin 08:46
12408 Vill Anabeza 08:51
6151 Carl Andersen 07:42
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 10:20
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:51
7319 Megan Arnold 10:04
12425 Mike Atkins 09:44
5844 Philip Auriemma 10:37
8359 Chris Bailey 10:53
7277 Greg Beato 09:08
6381 April Becerra 10:08
7647 Cheryl Becker 08:42
8063 Jon Beckham 08:42
9239 Dan Beringhele 12:05
11980 Alexis Berthillier 08:26
9364 Gilles Bouchard 07:55
4006 Jacques Boutet 09:37
345 Jim Bradbury 10:41
3331 Bill Brier 07:42
12442 Dylan Buffington 07:38
2468 Robert Buntrock 10:21
12466 Davi Augusto Caetano de Jesus 10:28
4357 Kley Cardona 09:38
12444 Scott Carlile 09:37
10771 Robert Cauthorn 11:56
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:22
11639 Braxton Colagross 12:05
10937 Therese Cools 11:50
Sarah Coyle 12:13
8935 Dzung Dang 12:53
11675 Sourav Das 08:32
12440 Alain Debost 07:55
12249 Arnel Dionisio 11:51
12250 Edwina Dionisio 11:51
4841 Carlos Duque 09:21
7601 Carlin Eng 08:55
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:07
11801 James Foster 09:36
428 Kim Freitas 10:41
11797 Sergio Galicia 10:21
8408 Vlad Georgevich 10:28
12459 Patrick Gilfether 10:50
Phil Glaeser 09:04
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 11:14
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 09:00
11835 Craig Hill 08:26
Byron Ho 09:38
1625 John Holmgren 11:14
6840 Bert Huffman 11:19
8254 Naoki Iwakami 08:14
Caitlin Jans 12:15
6791 Michael Kahn 09:29
11569 Reed Kennedy 10:48
10497 Gaetan Kenway 10:09
6380 Bryan Kilgore 07:42
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 09:57
11685 Brian Koss 07:42
Steve Krause 12:15
3094 Michael Kresser 10:04
7247 Eric Larsen 09:12
9932 Jonas Laucys 09:50
12404 Alan Lehman 10:38
12188 Sean Lerner 09:44
9229 Eric Marshall 11:41
2133 Richard McCaw 09:29
8154 Kirsten McDaniel 08:51
12279 Maer Melo 10:28
5120 Greg Merritt 11:50
12398 Patrick Miller 11:41
12433 Sergio Miranda 12:15
6065 Ernesto Montenero 09:46
11131 Anson Moore 08:26
1975 Pierre Moreels 12:40
10201 Ryan Morehouse 07:57
10494 Sandra Myers 10:07
8872 Angela Navarro 09:41
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 09:57
9452 Erik Nohlin 07:38
3971 Eric Norris 10:17
7102 Brian Oei 10:20
2917 Greg Olson 10:44
12238 Nathan Orr 10:09
Kamel Ounadjela 11:41
10446 Gary Parsons 10:53
12445 Lily Phan 12:53
2506 Max Poletto 07:42
12335 Rolando Quibol 11:51
Rachel Richards 10:38
8978 Roy Ross 08:15
11695 Mark Rowan 10:38
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 08:51
5784 Charles Schroyer 11:38
7622 Robert Sexton 12:13
11476 Prashant Singh 07:42
7571 David Smith 09:44
Alix Sorrell 11:41
12353 Hal Steger 10:08
10877 Eric Stinson 08:37
11530 Steven Streisguth 10:51
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:48
10751 Michael Theriault 10:12
12140 James Tolosa 09:37
11653 Todd Tracy 10:48
9133 Joe Turnbow 07:57
9737 Mark Ueeck 09:37
7383 Metin Uz 07:59
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 08:10
12424 Vytautas Valancius 09:50
11152 Brian Volkoff 09:37
David Voris 07:42
8160 Eric Walstad 10:04
6435 Brad Wenner 11:37
12457 Neda Zandi 09:57
6078 Stephen Zavestoski 08:46

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

February 10, 2018 Two Rock-Valley Ford 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
12408 Vill Anabeza 08:48
6151 Carl Andersen 06:56
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:48
7277 Greg Beato 08:14
4269 Keith Beato 11:27
6381 April Becerra 09:43
7647 Cheryl Becker 07:04
8063 Jon Beckham 07:31
11980 Alexis Berthillier 07:12
12409 Joshua Blank 10:05
Matthew Borden 10:12
9364 Gilles Bouchard 07:12
345 Jim Bradbury 09:49
3331 Bill Brier 06:56
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 09:48
2468 Robert Buntrock 09:38
12479 Sam Burnett 10:22
4357 Kley Cardona 08:21
Bill Carson 10:12
8043 Nathanial Cavalieri 11:01
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:03
5423 Brian Chun 08:39
11639 Braxton Colagross 10:02
9025 Peter Curley 09:45
7455 Lynne Daniels 12:02
11675 Sourav Das 07:42
12440 Alain Debost 07:12
12249 Arnel Dionisio 10:47
12250 Edwina Dionisio 10:47
11832 Mark Eastman 12:44
12477 Maxim Fedorov 06:56
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:48
428 Kim Freitas 09:49
11797 Sergio Galicia 09:23
8408 Vlad Georgevich 09:45
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 10:52
11551 Gary Goldman 09:49
9315 Eric Gordon 09:45
6324 James Gourgoutis 11:24
Justin Gray 10:43
2515 Rob Hawks 09:27
8930 Patrick Herlihy 09:27
11835 Craig Hill 07:22
1625 John Holmgren 09:55
2082 Timothy Houck 10:00
8254 Naoki Iwakami 07:54
10267 Brian Johnston 09:30
6791 Michael Kahn 09:04
22 David Kamp 11:35
12230 Abrar Kazi 10:22
11569 Reed Kennedy 10:10
10497 Gaetan Kenway 10:43
12048 Sandra King 12:07
Steve Krause 10:36
7247 Eric Larsen 09:30
9932 Jonas Laucys 09:48
Christopher Lee 06:56
12188 Sean Lerner 08:21
6551 William Lindsay 08:54
4596 Aaron Little 10:18
8413 Robert Lockwood 10:33
12248 Michael Loney 09:26
12221 John Lutz 10:53
4185 Aron Mason 09:19
2133 Richard McCaw 08:55
6103 Kaley Mccumber 09:55
11831 Matthew McHugh 06:56
5120 Greg Merritt 08:14
11131 Anson Moore 07:54
10201 Ryan Morehouse 10:02
12410 Haley Mousseau 10:05
11115 Colin Moy 12:07
James Moyles 10:00
10494 Sandra Myers 09:48
12377 Lehang T Nguyen 13:20
12376 Linh Nguyen 13:20
12382 Tito Nierra 08:48
12238 Nathan Orr 10:43
Alex Ozak 09:56
7103 Irving Pham 10:53
5464 Jason Pierce 08:03
12483 Jon Plax 09:45
12426 Magni Quesada 10:53
12335 Rolando Quibol 10:53
11592 Myvan Quoc 12:07
8978 Roy Ross 07:54
11695 Mark Rowan 09:34
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 08:48
2777 Kevin Salyer 09:54
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 09:24
10904 Mark Seedall 09:35
11425 JinUk Shin 09:02
1907 Ken Shoemaker 09:38
Chris Sommerfeld 08:42
Eric Sommerfeld 08:42
12353 Hal Steger 09:43
10877 Eric Stinson 08:16
Hudson Stremmel 10:18
11694 Sutter Stremmel 10:18
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:00
7220 Toshi Takeuchi 08:55
11946 Francis Tanjuatco 10:53
6553 Brian Terczynski 11:18
10751 Michael Theriault 09:20
11653 Todd Tracy 10:12
7383 Metin Uz 09:27
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 07:54
12485 Gary Virshup 09:49
12481 Matthew Ward 08:21
6435 Brad Wenner 10:25

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

February 24, 2018 Mt Hamilton 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Esther Adelstein 11:55
12408 Vill Anabeza 09:49
10978 Renato Arnoco 09:49
7319 Megan Arnold 12:00
Alan Barbaran 11:24
Don Bautista 12:56
7647 Cheryl Becker 08:50
8063 Jon Beckham 11:16
9239 Dan Beringhele 11:30
10133 Luis Bernhardt 12:41
12409 Joshua Blank 12:03
345 Jim Bradbury 12:03
3331 Bill Brier 08:50
2468 Robert Buntrock 12:24
12181 Jerry Cabeliza 13:29
4357 Kley Cardona 09:54
6949 Drew Carlson 10:29
10106 Paul Carpenter 10:10
10340 Michael Chalfant 11:16
10937 Therese Cools 10:27
11675 Sourav Das 09:16
8274 Mark Davies 08:48
12249 Arnel Dionisio 13:04
12250 Edwina Dionisio 13:04
12509 Jason Divock 08:55
Richard Duff 11:30
Armando Elopre 12:56
7601 Carlin Eng 11:30
Rica Enrile 12:56
Teddy Forscher 11:55
12508 Doug Fujii 10:10
11797 Sergio Galicia 10:46
9315 Eric Gordon 11:30
2515 Rob Hawks 10:21
11835 Craig Hill 09:21
8831 Paul Ivanov 12:19
8254 Naoki Iwakami 09:29
10378 Kris Jones 10:21
22 David Kamp 13:19
11569 Reed Kennedy 12:19
10497 Gaetan Kenway 12:40
6380 Bryan Kilgore 11:16
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 11:30
11685 Brian Koss 09:21
12472 Jon Lagasca 10:55
12188 Sean Lerner 10:21
Drew Levitt 11:55
12221 John Lutz 12:56
4185 Aron Mason 12:24
9343 Grant McAlister 09:21
6103 Kaley Mccumber 12:24
5120 Greg Merritt 10:27
12433 Sergio Miranda 12:03
11131 Anson Moore 09:21
10201 Ryan Morehouse 11:30
12410 Haley Mousseau 12:03
8872 Angela Navarro 11:30
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 10:27
12382 Tito Nierra 10:53
12498 June Pang 10:52
10446 Gary Parsons 12:00
5464 Jason Pierce 09:54
12426 Magni Quesada 12:00
12335 Rolando Quibol 13:29
8978 Roy Ross 09:16
11695 Mark Rowan 12:56
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 09:49
6747 Adam Schwarcz 08:32
Adam Shapiro 11:24
12503 Linus Silva 13:29
10877 Eric Stinson 10:12
12458 Phillip Swenson 12:12
10751 Michael Theriault 12:03
12140 James Tolosa 10:52
Roger Turner 11:30
7383 Metin Uz 08:50
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 09:49
12507 Mar Villaflor 12:56
10325 Tom Vu 10:46
8160 Eric Walstad 12:00
12457 Neda Zandi 11:30

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 10, 2018 Healdsburg-Russian River 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 11:28
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 14:26
10978 Renato Arnoco 12:59
7319 Megan Arnold 16:15
12425 Mike Atkins 14:07
9651 Kamran Azmoudeh 15:24
472 Paul Bacho 16:58
4405 Debra Banks 16:40
7277 Greg Beato 13:13
7647 Cheryl Becker 11:28
8063 Jon Beckham 11:28
9239 Dan Beringhele 13:41
10133 Luis Bernhardt 16:58
11980 Alexis Berthillier 10:54
12488 Leif Bjelland 12:54
12409 Joshua Blank 13:38
9364 Gilles Bouchard 10:54
3331 Bill Brier 11:28
Tony Buccino 12:53
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 13:41
12466 Davi Augusto Caetano de Jesus 14:14
6949 Drew Carlson 13:29
10771 Robert Cauthorn 18:32
10340 Michael Chalfant 12:06
5423 Brian Chun 13:42
6052 Bryan Clarkson 16:40
7241 Juliayn Coleman 14:58
10937 Therese Cools 14:20
9505 Scott Cowan 15:01
9025 Peter Curley 13:29
11675 Sourav Das 12:45
12249 Arnel Dionisio 15:14
4841 Carlos Duque 13:39
9205 Brian Feinberg 15:24
11797 Sergio Galicia 14:07
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 16:40
5831 Stephen Haas 16:40
3356 Tom Haggerty 16:40
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 13:25
2515 Rob Hawks 13:29
8930 Patrick Herlihy 15:29
11835 Craig Hill 12:02
1625 John Holmgren 15:54
2082 Timothy Houck 14:20
8831 Paul Ivanov 15:34
9093 Robert Johnston 16:39
10378 Kris Jones 12:54
6380 Bryan Kilgore 11:28
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 14:16
8074 Ann Klein 17:43
Steve Krause 14:30
7247 Eric Larsen 14:30
9932 Jonas Laucys 13:40
12404 Alan Lehman 15:24
12188 Sean Lerner 16:15
7596 Eileen Lloyd 19:13
4185 Aron Mason 13:50
7706 Milosz Meller 14:16
12279 Maer Melo 14:28
5120 Greg Merritt 13:11
6065 Ernesto Montenero 13:21
11131 Anson Moore 11:28
10201 Ryan Morehouse 15:29
8872 Angela Navarro 15:29
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 13:11
9452 Erik Nohlin 10:50
3971 Eric Norris 14:58
5464 Jason Pierce 15:29
12335 Rolando Quibol 15:19
11494 Krist Roginski 13:22
8978 Roy Ross 11:28
12282 Erika Rowen 16:29
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 12:59
7622 Robert Sexton 13:23
7585 Randy Shen 16:25
11425 JinUk Shin 14:24
10877 Eric Stinson 13:46
7220 Toshi Takeuchi 16:25
10751 Michael Theriault 14:33
9042 Robert Thompson 12:54
Bridgette Travis 12:53
9133 Joe Turnbow 11:02
7383 Metin Uz 12:26
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 12:02
10325 Tom Vu 14:07
8160 Eric Walstad 16:15
12457 Neda Zandi 14:15

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

April 21, 2018 Hopland 400km Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 21:09
9239 Dan Beringhele 21:44
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 20:42
2468 Robert Buntrock 20:47
10340 Michael Chalfant 17:17
Samuel Chrisman 17:17
5423 Brian Chun 23:55
7241 Juliayn Coleman 21:09
10937 Therese Cools 21:06
9025 Peter Curley 19:56
12477 Maxim Fedorov 15:45
11797 Sergio Galicia 20:33
8408 Vlad Georgevich 24:10
3301 Kitty Goursolle 23:57
7588 Bill Green 23:35
3356 Tom Haggerty 21:20
2515 Rob Hawks 19:57
11835 Craig Hill 17:33
8831 Paul Ivanov 24:10
6017 Ian Kizu-Blair 26:23
11685 Brian Koss 17:17
7247 Eric Larsen 23:11
9932 Jonas Laucys 20:43
12188 Sean Lerner 19:56
4185 Aron Mason 20:47
6103 Kaley Mccumber 25:00
12279 Maer Melo 17:17
5120 Greg Merritt 21:03
6009 William Monsen 24:17
10201 Ryan Morehouse 21:03
8872 Angela Navarro 19:57
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 18:32
7103 Irving Pham 26:23
12335 Rolando Quibol 23:28
8978 Roy Ross 17:17
6051 Michele Santilhano 21:12
5784 Charles Schroyer 23:58
11425 JinUk Shin 20:44
1907 Ken Shoemaker 21:12
12458 Phillip Swenson 23:30
11946 Francis Tanjuatco 23:32
10751 Michael Theriault 20:33
7383 Metin Uz 17:17
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 17:17
8160 Eric Walstad 21:09

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

May 19, 2018 Mendocino Coast 600K (Former Fort Bragg 600K) Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 31:03
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 31:03
10978 Renato Arnoco 29:03
7319 Megan Arnold 37:30
8063 Jon Beckham 34:26
12488 Leif Bjelland 34:38
345 Jim Bradbury 36:49
3331 Bill Brier 24:15
10456 Jeff Cannon 36:49
10340 Michael Chalfant 29:00
Samuel Chrisman 28:39
7241 Juliayn Coleman 36:47
12477 Maxim Fedorov 24:15
11797 Sergio Galicia 35:52
6987 Raphael Gernez 28:50
3356 Tom Haggerty 36:47
2515 Rob Hawks 31:47
8930 Patrick Herlihy 31:47
1844 Peter Hewitt 34:13
8831 Paul Ivanov 38:19
12188 Sean Lerner 33:44
6103 Kaley Mccumber 39:01
12279 Maer Melo 28:15
5120 Greg Merritt 35:38
11131 Anson Moore 28:39
1975 Pierre Moreels 38:19
11624 Huy Nguyen 36:30
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 30:21
9452 Erik Nohlin 24:15
8978 Roy Ross 27:38
10751 Michael Theriault 36:37
7383 Metin Uz 29:00
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 28:39
8160 Eric Walstad 37:30

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 9, 2018 La Ruta Loca Randonnee 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 11:49
12409 Joshua Blank 13:25
3331 Bill Brier 11:49
6444 Allan Erbes 13:08
11797 Sergio Galicia 13:29
12188 Sean Lerner 11:30
6551 William Lindsay 12:30
8514 Paul McKenzie 11:49
12410 Haley Mousseau 13:25
11109 Dan Pannell 11:47
5464 Jason Pierce 12:46
11001 Albert Reinhardt 12:23
12702 Alix Sorrell 12:46

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 30, 2018 Fault Line 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7277 Greg Beato 10:10
12409 Joshua Blank 10:52
Clint Borrill 09:18
345 Jim Bradbury 10:54
9745 Scott Brown 11:33
6052 Bryan Clarkson 10:10
11639 Braxton Colagross 10:35
12087 Kevin Comerford 10:39
8935 Dzung Dang 12:07
5216 Ken Emerson 11:01
9205 Brian Feinberg 12:07
8408 Vlad Georgevich 11:01
2515 Rob Hawks 09:53
12241 Tom Hughes 11:36
12497 Ray Keane 10:20
11569 Reed Kennedy 11:33
10497 Gaetan Kenway 11:36
12673 Steve Krause 10:17
7247 Eric Larsen 09:40
12188 Sean Lerner 10:35
5480 Boris Levitsky 10:39
6103 Kaley Mccumber 11:29
10902 Fabrice Medio 12:01
10201 Ryan Morehouse 10:35
12410 Haley Mousseau 10:52
10494 Sandra Myers 10:52
12376 Linh Nguyen 13:01
12238 Nathan Orr 11:36
12483 Jon Plax 12:01
8978 Roy Ross 09:15
6789 Nancy Russell 11:58
11425 JinUk Shin 10:28
10955 Mark Smith 11:33
12278 David Stentiford 12:01
10877 Eric Stinson 10:56
John Tan 11:27
Peter Tapscott 09:18
10751 Michael Theriault 11:19
11152 Brian Volkoff 09:15

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 14, 2018 SF to Cloverdale 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
10107 Stuart Blumstein 11:11
4841 Carlos Duque 09:52
11832 Mark Eastman 12:39
5216 Ken Emerson 09:40
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:51
8416 Charles Fournier 12:15
8408 Vlad Georgevich 10:35
2515 Rob Hawks 09:45
6840 Bert Huffman 10:55
11569 Reed Kennedy 09:17
8074 Ann Klein 10:38
12361 Garry Knox 09:12
12188 Sean Lerner 09:45
8413 Bob Lockwood 11:10
11115 Colin Moy 10:46
10494 Sandra Myers 09:57
8872 Angela Navarro 09:51
6789 Nancy Russell 10:39
10237 Man-Fai Tam 12:35
10751 Michael Theriault 09:45
6130 David Walker 10:43

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 14, 2018 Boonville Lolipop 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
3331 Bill Brier 13:37
8935 Dzung Dang 19:15
12477 Maxim Fedorov 11:39
5480 Boris Levitsky 19:01
6103 Kaley Mccumber 19:15
12290 Christopher Ngo 17:40
12505 Randolph Resch 13:06
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 17:38
5784 Charles Schroyer 19:15
11946 Francis Tanjuatco 19:15
108 Paul Vlasveld 19:03

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 15, 2018 Cloverdale to SF 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
3331 Bill Brier 08:22
5216 Ken Emerson 09:02
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:29
8408 Vlad Georgevich 10:19
2515 Rob Hawks 08:22
6840 Bert Huffman 10:19
11569 Reed Kennedy 09:42
8074 Ann Klein 10:29
12361 Garry Knox 08:22
12188 Sean Lerner 08:22
8413 Bob Lockwood 10:47
11115 Colin Moy 10:03
10494 Sandra Myers 09:30
12505 Randolph Resch 07:45
6789 Nancy Russell 10:03
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 10:29
10237 Man-Fai Tam 11:49

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 28, 2018 Freestone Bread Run 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Esther Adelstein 10:28
12764 MICHAEL ALSTON 10:28
12425 Mike Atkins 12:42
8359 Chris Bailey 12:32
4269 Keith Beato 13:25
9239 Dan Beringhele 09:38
12692 Mathew Bittleston 08:55
12409 Joshua Blank 10:18
3331 Bill Brier 09:06
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 11:12
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:41
12671 Dylan Clark 12:42
6052 Bryan Clarkson 11:35
7241 Juliayn Coleman 11:35
11675 Sourav Das 10:28
12249 Arnel Dionisio 12:53
12250 Edwina Dionisio 12:53
9205 Brian Feinberg 12:36
11797 Sergio Galicia 10:43
8859 Brian Gangelhoff 10:28
11551 Gary Goldman 12:37
Roberto Grassi 09:06
5831 Stephen Haas 11:35
3356 Tom Haggerty 11:35
11835 Craig Hill 11:21
11836 Yi-Hui Hill 11:21
12555 Nolan Jankowski 10:56
Caitlin Jans 12:36
11569 Reed Kennedy 11:47
12673 Steve Krause 10:23
3094 Michael Kresser 10:20
12188 Sean Lerner 12:42
5480 Boris Levitsky 12:32
9229 Eric Marshall 10:28
2133 Richard McCaw 10:04
5120 Greg Merritt 09:38
11131 Anson Moore 09:06
10201 Ryan Morehouse 09:38
12410 Haley Mousseau 10:18
10396 Matt Pendleton 09:06
8978 Roy Ross 09:06
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 12:26
Alexei Serdiuk 12:47
7622 Robert Sexton 12:30
11425 JinUk Shin 09:44
4997 Richard Soderberg 11:51
12702 Alix Sorrell 10:28
10877 Eric Stinson 10:23
12458 Phillip Swenson 10:04
12293 Daniel Swick 12:09
10751 Michael Theriault 10:28
11653 Todd Tracy 11:04
9737 Mark Ueeck 10:20
7383 Metin Uz 09:06
11152 Brian Volkoff 10:18
12775 David Voris 09:06
12352 Jerad Weiner 12:09
Maya Wolf 12:42

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 5, 2018 El Paseito Mixto Populaire 110k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 06:09
9239 Dan Beringhele 05:24
12409 Joshua Blank 05:29
7241 Juliayn Coleman 05:44
4841 Carlos Duque 05:09
9205 Brian Feinberg 06:13
John Fitzgerald 05:35
10267 Brian Johnston 05:35
11685 Brian Koss 05:59
12673 Steve Krause 06:09
12783 David MacNeil 06:07
6065 Ernesto Montenero 05:50
12410 Haley Mousseau 05:29
5464 Jason Pierce 06:09
5343 Vidas Placiakis 05:59
Igor Rubinov 06:03
7622 Robert Sexton 06:09
12278 David Stentiford 05:51
12293 Daniel Swick 06:04
7383 Metin Uz 06:13
8160 Eric Walstad 06:09
5828 Franklyn Wu 06;52

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 5, 2018 Lucas Valley Populaire 110k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
7277 Greg Beato 05:06
10107 Stuart Blumstein 06:02
Travis Brooks 06:38
Nancy Buenaventura 06:35
11639 Braxton Colagross 06:28
Eric Fethe 06:28
Joshua Goffstein 06:22
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 06:45
6446 Kirk Hastings 05:03
2515 Rob Hawks 04:29
Natha Hayre 05:50
9629 Erik Hetzner 05:56
Marina Lee 07:05
9835 Chris Lewis 06:18
8413 Bob Lockwood 05:46
8400 Phil MacFarlane 06:18
Roberto Madeiros 07:05
6755 Jesse Marsh 06:35
5120 Greg Merritt 05:37
Megan Moore 06:45
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 04:29
8283 Jenny Oh 06:35
7103 Irving Pham 06:43
8174 Giedrius Praspaliauskas 06:13
Rima Praspaliauskiene 06:13
9628 Mark Reyes 05:52
7749 Marisa Strong 05:50
12782 Jun Takeda 04:29
12781 Allison Wong 06:35

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 11, 2018 Marin Mountains 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Esther Adelstein 13:15
8037 Scott Agatep 11:19
7319 Megan Arnold 12:32
8063 Jon Beckham 13:04
12692 Mathew Bittleston 11:54
12409 Joshua Blank 13:15
10937 Therese Cools 13:05
Chris Corral 13:15
Christopher Cubiss 13:06
11675 Sourav Das 12:12
John Fitzgerald 13:15
Adam Heckaman 13:10
Heinemann Jorg 09:52
9081 Jeremiah Johnson 12:22
6380 Bryan Kilgore 13:05
8514 Paul McKenzie 11:36
Chris McNally 13:06
6065 Ernesto Montenero 12:13
12793 Mirko Montanari 11:57
12410 Haley Mousseau 13:18
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 10:03
11109 Dan Pannell 12:22
12767 Vicente Reig Rincon De Arellano 13:10
8978 Roy Ross 11:57
8399 Carl Sanders 11:31
7622 Robert Sexton 12:27
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 11:19
Michael Solis 13:04
12702 Alix Sorrell 13:06
11010 Steven Striepeke 12:44
7383 Metin Uz 12:32
11152 Brian Volkoff 11:57
8160 Eric Walstad 12:32
David Wilcox 10:42
10717 Froste Wistrom 09:04

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 18, 2018 Russian River 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Esther Adelstein 08:39
7319 Megan Arnold 12:38
5844 Philip Auriemma 08:48
7277 Greg Beato 08:38
4269 Keith Beato 12:15
6381 April Becerra 09:19
10107 Stuart Blumstein 11:58
5390 Mark Borba 11:48
3331 Bill Brier 07:53
9745 Scott Brown 09:36
7 Bill Bryant 12:27
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 09:14
Katherine Cass 11:58
10771 Robert Cauthorn 11:53
Chris Corral 08:39
4035 Patrice Courtier 10:28
9505 Scott Cowan 09:40
7611 Dennis Crovella 10:45
12613 Galvin Dee 10:38
4841 Carlos Duque 09:03
12806 John French 12:19
8408 Vlad Georgevich 10:42
11006 Jay Gilson 10:37
12635 Julie Gilson 10:45
Kevin Gregory 10:25
2515 Rob Hawks 08:21
11835 Craig Hill 07:53
8812 Alexandra Houck 08:56
12241 Tom Hughes 09:36
6791 Michael Kahn 08:57
12230 Abrar Kazi 11:12
Maria Kuznetsov 09:30
12404 Alan Lehman 10:24
5480 Boris Levitsky 09:05
7596 Eileen Lloyd 12:06
8413 Bob Lockwood 11:58
8400 Phil MacFarlane 09:07
2185 Thomas Maslen 10:52
12794 Nicholas McCurry 09:03
7706 Milosz Meller 08:54
11242 JUN MONCAYO 10:38
6009 William Monsen 11:47
12793 Mirko Montanari 08:54
10925 Mike Moore 10:55
12410 Haley Mousseau 09:03
11115 Colin Moy 10:52
2505 Willy Nevin 10:20
11111 Mary Nicholl 08:44
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 07:49
3971 Eric Norris 09:35
3579 Jennie Phillips 07:24
11592 Myvan Quoc 10:55
Ekaterina Rakhmatulina 07:42
Rachel Richards 10:28
8978 Roy Ross 07:53
2435 John Russell 09:35
8399 Carl Sanders 07:24
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 09:44
7622 Robert Sexton 08:26
11425 JinUk Shin 08:54
10955 Mark Smith 09:36
12792 Steve Snyder 10:38
4997 Richard Soderberg 09:14
8 Lois Springsteen 12:27
12353 Hal Steger 09:19
10877 Eric Stinson 08:38
12458 Phillip Swenson 09:24
227 Todd Teachout 10:37
8393 Ryan Thompson 08:44
11653 Todd Tracy 10:45
7383 Metin Uz 08:21
12775 David Voris 07:53
8160 Eric Walstad 12:38

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 8, 2018 Old Cazadero 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 14:14
7319 Megan Arnold 18:50
12425 Mike Atkins 18:17
12692 Mathew Bittleston 14:57
Tom Bliska III 14:10
3331 Bill Brier 14:14
12765 Peter Colijn 14:07
9025 Peter Curley 18:13
11675 Sourav Das 16:22
Ben Drucker 14:10
3356 Tom Haggerty 17:25
Phillip Han 14:10
9081 Jeremiah Johnson 15:18
6380 Bryan Kilgore 12:48
12777 Tim Kopacz 16:22
12188 Sean Lerner 18:17
9229 Eric Marshall 16:03
12815 Charles Martin 16:28
12794 Nicholas McCurry 18:26
7706 Milosz Meller 16:55
6065 Ernesto Montenero 17:18
12793 Mirko Montanari 16:55
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 13:33
12824 Evan Nixon 19:22
7103 Irving Pham 19:39
8978 Roy Ross 15:34
12458 Phillip Swenson 16:57
Alex Thompson 18:38
7383 Metin Uz 15:42
8160 Eric Walstad 18:50

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 15, 2018 Davis Nighttime 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
345 Jim Bradbury 10:18
10340 Michael Chalfant 10:19
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:18
1132 Ken Johnson 11:14
9093 Robert Johnston 10:33
11569 Reed Kennedy 09:53
9222 Bryan Lewis 09:53
11638 John Nolan 12:45
7622 Robert Sexton 10:19
11425 JinUk Shin 09:54
10751 Michael Theriault 10:18
11152 Brian Volkoff 09:53

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 22, 2018 King Ridge 400k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 24:58
12692 Mathew Bittleston 21:57
12765 Peter Colijn 18:35
12508 Doug Fujii 26:38
12793 Mirko Montanari 26:38
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 19:59
8978 Roy Ross 21:57
7383 Metin Uz 21:57

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 13, 2018 Orr Springs 600km brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
6380 Bryan Kilgore 35:51
9021 Yu Kuwabara 37:00
12794 Nicholas McCurry 39:47
12891 Ekaterina Rakhmatulina 35:51
8978 Roy Ross 39:00
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 37:00

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 20, 2018 Winters 200km brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
Kevin Ahlvin 07:58
12858 Scott Armitage 10:15
Alan Barbaran 09:31
4269 Keith Beato 11:42
Emanuel Bloom 08:30
10107 Stuart Blumstein 10:39
345 Jim Bradbury 09:36
7937 Tony Buccino 09:31
10771 Robert Cauthorn 11:33
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:03
4035 Patrice Courtier 10:25
Stephen Doll 06:51
Robert Easley 06:51
Charles Fineman 08:00
11797 Sergio Galicia 08:26
6987 Raphael Gernez 07:26
11551 Gary Goldman 10:05
12899 David Grayson 11:44
2515 Rob Hawks 08:03
8930 Patrick Herlihy 08:26
9274 Craig Hicks 09:36
8812 Alexandra Houck 09:34
6840 Bert Huffman 10:05
Spencer Ingels 06:51
1132 Ken Johnson 09:34
Andrew Judd 06:51
6791 Michael Kahn 09:05
Vernon Kato 06:51
11569 Reed Kennedy 09:35
10497 Gaetan Kenway 10:15
6380 Bryan Kilgore 07:50
12048 Sandra King 10:05
901 Laurence Kluck 08:00
11685 Brian Koss 07:50
12912 Michael Koved 08:30
12917 Christopher Lee 06:51
6551 William Lindsay 09:01
Augusto Llerena 06:51
7596 Eileen Lloyd 12:12
12248 Michael Loney 09:05
6103 Kaley Mccumber 11:06
11831 Matthew McHugh 06:51
5120 Greg Merritt 08:26
Christopher Moll 06:51
11131 Anson Moore 07:58
10494 Sandra Myers 11:06
11111 Mary Nicholl 09:34
12238 Nathan Orr 10:15
9400 Arnim Polster 08:10
8512 Phil Rogers 09:31
8978 Roy Ross 07:58
11425 JinUk Shin 08:58
4997 Richard Soderberg 09:22
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 10:05
10877 Eric Stinson 08:43
12458 Phillip Swenson 08:26
10751 Michael Theriault 09:34
8393 Ryan Thompson 09:35
11653 Todd Tracy 10:05
10424 Bridgette Travis 09:31
7383 Metin Uz 07:50
6435 Brad Wenner 10:20
7050 Don Williams 09:01
6078 Stephen Zavestoski 07:58

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

November 3, 2018 Del Puerto Canyon 202k brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
5785 Mark Abrahams 09:51
12869 Esther Adelstein 09:03
12929 Elena Alarcon 09:50
6151 Carl Andersen 07:14
7245 Gabrielle Andersen 08:37
12858 Scott Armitage 09:22
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:13
12425 Mike Atkins 09:22
Amit Banerjee 09:50
4405 Debra Banks 11:17
Alan Barbaran 08:29
12746 Dominic Barth 09:20
Kyle Batter 07:06
4269 Keith Beato 11:27
10869 John Beem 09:47
12409 Joshua Blank 10:25
4072 Michael Bloomfield 08:48
12927 Kevin Brackbill 09:22
345 Jim Bradbury 09:34
9745 Scott Brown 09:47
7937 Tony Buccino 08:27
2468 Robert Buntrock 08:37
Steve Cannon 09:58
6949 Drew Carlson 09:20
10106 Paul Carpenter 07:42
Matt Carvell 07:33
10771 Robert Cauthorn 11:17
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:19
9174 Nancy Chin-Vanderslice 10:32
Eric Chodoroff 06:49
6052 Bryan Clarkson 11:15
12087 Kevin Comerford 08:05
10937 Therese Cools 08:25
12868 Chris Corral 09:03
Michael Couglan 06:49
9505 Scott Cowan 11:27
12915 Christopher Cubiss 08:29
12249 Arnel Dionisio 09:43
6763 Mark Elgood 09:01
Armando Elopre 09:43
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:31
Eric Fethe 11:50
428 Kim Freitas 09:34
Elias French 09:50
12806 John French 10:21
11797 Sergio Galicia 08:48
8408 Vlad Georgevich 10:11
11006 Jay Gilson 09:13
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 11:17
11551 Gary Goldman 10:21
Kevin Gregory 10:23
5831 Stephen Haas 11:17
3356 Tom Haggerty 11:15
2515 Rob Hawks 08:36
Hoss Hayati 07:33
Eduardo Heredia 11:37
8930 Patrick Herlihy 08:36
9274 Craig Hicks 09:22
11835 Craig Hill 07:23
12913 Jay Ho 11:27
John Hopwood 09:50
Christine Hummell 09:47
Spencer Ingels 06:49
8831 Paul Ivanov 10:24
1132 Ken Johnson 09:43
12930 Andrew Judd 06:49
12230 Abrar Kazi 10:59
10497 Gaetan Kenway 09:22
6380 Bryan Kilgore 07:17
12048 Sandra King 09:34
12912 Michael Koved 07:00
12673 Steve Krause 09:43
7247 Eric Larsen 08:27
1197 Fred Layn 09:17
11844 Bumha Lee 09:01
6551 William Lindsay 08:18
12920 Augusto Llerena 06:49
7596 Eileen Lloyd 11:37
8413 Bob Lockwood 09:31
6755 Jesse Marsh 11:17
1843 Tim Mason 09:22
2133 Richard McCaw 09:20
6103 Kaley Mccumber 10:11
11831 Matthew McHugh 06:49
8514 Paul McKenzie 08:07
3381 Lisa McPhate 09:02
12822 Roberto Medeiros 09:50
10902 Fabrice Medio 10:59
3084 Peter Merrill 08:03
5120 Greg Merritt 07:23
9375 Qasim Meskienyar 09:45
11242 Jun Moncayo 09:13
6009 William Monsen 10:46
6065 Ernesto Montenero 11:37
Sage Montenero 11:37
11131 Anson Moore 08:03
10925 Mike Moore 11:09
12410 Haley Mousseau 10:25
11115 Colin Moy 11:09
10905 James Moyles 09:31
10494 Sandra Myers 10:11
Michael Mysza 09:20
10556 Hideki Naganuma 07:11
12376 Linh Nguyen 10:28
12185 Nathaniel Nichols 07:15
12382 Tito Nierra 08:13
8422 Christian Olmos 10:10
Kristin Olsen 11:37
12238 Nathan Orr 09:22
12335 Rolando Quibol 09:43
12891 Ekaterina Rakhmatulina 07:17
Michael Riyanto 07:23
8512 Phil Rogers 09:47
8978 Roy Ross 07:23
12910 Benjamin Rush 07:17
12422 Ioannis Sarkas 10:11
Rob Schell 06:49
5901 Barry Schwartz 08:48
11425 JinUk Shin 09:31
12792 Steve Snyder 09:13
4997 Richard Soderberg 09:34
539 Larry Sokolsky 09:17
1883 Michael Sokolsky 09:59
12702 Alix Sorrell 08:29
12921 Jeremy Stanley 07:34
12278 David Stentiford 10:59
10877 Eric Stinson 09:07
12458 Phillip Swenson 08:48
12293 Daniel Swick 10:21
12782 Jun Takeda 08:27
10751 Michael Theriault 08:57
10424 Bridgette Travis 08:27
7383 Metin Uz 07:23
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 07:23
9173 Bill Vanderslice 10:32
10858 Carlos Villarreal 10:23
12352 Jerad Weiner 10:23
11230 David Wilcox 07:10
12928 Nicholas Wilson 11:17
Dave Yoha 08:29

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

December 9, 2018 Lucas Valley 112k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # First Name Last Name Time
10340 Michael Chalfant 05:41
12858 Scott Armitage 05:29
4405 Deb Banks 06:55
345 Jim Bradbury 05:47
6949 Drew Carlson 06:55
12983 Nick Elmschig 04:54
Zachariah Epperson 04:31
12806 John French 06:12
9295 Ben Goldenberg 06:24
Eduardo Heredia 07:10
12913 Jay Ho 06:43
12241 Tom Hughes 06:08
11569 Reed Kennedy 05:18
11685 Brian Koss 05:26
12673 Steve Krause 05:50
12922 Eric Linser 05:10
8413 Bob Lockwood 05:54
6755 Jesse Marsh 06:24
12815 Charles Martin 05:25
11831 Matt McHugh 04:31
5120 Greg Merritt 05:18
6065 Ernesto Montenero 07:10
Sage Montenero 07:10
11131 Anson Moore 04:31
12238 Nathan Orr 05:29
5343 Vidas Plasiakis 05:26
10904 Mark Seedall 05:49
7739 Stephen Stalcup 05:44
12458 Phil Swenson 05:19
12293 Daniel Swick 06:50
11843 Dorina Vaccaroni 06:30
6435 Brad Wenner 05:50
6078 Steve Zavestocki 04:31