2016 Results
2016 Results

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 9, 2016 Point Reyes Populaire 117K Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
10978 Arnoco Renato 05:33
7319 Arnold Megan 06:05
8791 Baker Jim 05:58
7277 Beato Greg 05:58
8063 Beckham Jon 05:04
10928 Bentinck George 06:58
9532 Carpio Jorge 06:21
8057 Chaffin Barry 07:32
8058 Chaffin Janet 07:32
10340 Chalfant Michael 05:04
6052 Clarkson Bryan 06:23
none Colagross Ashley 07:30
8387 Colavin Alexander 07:28
7929 Cooledge Andrew 06:05
10937 Cools Therese 06:03
10151 Dropp Aaron 06:10
none Dugan John 06:39
8428 Edman Jacob 07:28
7601 Eng Carlin 06:21
287 Faigeles Bonnie 07:01
6348 Farber Max 07:35
5899 Fitzpatrick Kevin 06:20
5726 Fitzpatrick Matthew 06:03
3301 Goursolle Kitty 06:06
5831 Haas Stephen 06:23
8406 Harvey Kevin 07:32
2515 Hawks Rob 05:04
9629 Hetzner Erik 07:01
6380 Kilgore Bryan 06:03
9835 Lewis Chris 07:22
8413 Lockwood Robert 06:05
8400 MacFarlane Phil 07:19
9229 Marshall Eric 06:03
5120 Merritt Greg 06:05
8448 Meyer Martin 06:36
10201 Morehouse Ryan 06:04
8427 Namara Yogy 07:30
7103 Pham Irving 07:21
9332 Piccinotti Vernon 05:47
5464 Pierce Jason 06:03
5343 Placiakis Vidas 06:05
2506 Poletto Max 06:03
6391 Rodriguez Elias 07:21
8512 Rogers Phil 06:05
8978 Ross Roy 06:03
6789 Russell Nancy 06:06
5901 Schwartz Barry 05:27
10904 Seedall Mark 07:01
10955 Smith Mark 06:05
10877 Stinson E.O. 06:58
6715 Svihura Michael 06:03
7383 Uz Metin 05:09
8160 Walstad Eric 06:05
none Weed Richard 05:47
9906 Wesley Edward 06:13
7268 Wilson James 05:46
Finishing Riders: 56
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 6:23:26
Average speed for finishing riders: 11.18 m/h (18.00 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

January 30, 2016 Pierce Point 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
11139 Aboulhouda Samir 10:10
6151 Andersen Carl 07:32
10978 Arnoco Renato 07:53
5844 Auriemma Philip 10:30
7277 Beato Greg 09:17
7647 Becker Cheryl 07:59
10928 Bentinck George 09:58
9239 Beringhele Dan 09:07
5090 Bevan Roland 10:30
none Birth Nick 11:20
3331 Brier Bill 07:32
9745 Brown Scott 10:44
5318 Budvytis Gintautas 09:07
2468 Buntrock Robert 08:43
9532 Carpio Jorge 11:20
none Catunao Chris 13:11
10340 Chalfant Michael 07:53
none Cho Sindy 07:32
6012 Clark Rebecca 10:56
7241 Coleman Juliayn 10:45
7929 Cooledge Andrew 10:44
10937 Cools Therese 09:28
7611 Crovella Dennis 10:56
8935 Dang Dzung Anh 09:43
10249 Dodge Renee 10:50
7545 Driscoll Tom 09:42
4841 Duque Carlos 09:25
4679 Ehlert Gabe 09:55
7601 Eng Carlin 09:55
9205 Feinberg Brian 10:10
5899 Fitzpatrick Kevin 12:34
5726 Fitzpatrick Matthew 08:57
7245 Friedly Gabrielle 08:54
none Garzolli Dave 08:31
11006 Gilson Jay 10:56
9295 Goldenberg Benjamin 10:50
7588 Green Bill 09:29
2879 Hastings Geoffrey 08:56
2515 Hawks Rob 08:00
8930 Herlihy Patrick 09:07
9629 Hetzner Erik 10:50
none Hill Craig 11:21
none Hill Yi-Hui 11:21
1625 Holmgren John 11:15
6840 Huffman Bert 10:20
none Jeong David 10:25
6791 Kahn Michael 09:19
9084 Kim Ed 08:52
3094 Kresser Michael 10:30
7247 Larsen Eric 09:28
8413 Lockwood Robert 10:48
9229 Marshall Eric 09:27
4185 Mason Aron 08:43
9343 McAlister Grant 07:55
2133 McCaw Richard 10:20
10902 Medio Fabrice 12:38
5120 Merritt Greg 09:23
8448 Meyer Martin 10:15
6065 Montenero Ernesto 09:43
11131 Moore Anson 07:32
10925 Moore Michael 10:56
9444 Mourier Marcelo 09:17
11115 Moy Colin 10:56
8427 Namara Yogy 10:07
8872 Navarro Angela 10:19
none Nguyen Lehang 13:11
none Nguyen Linh 13:11
9452 Nohlin Erik 09:57
10446 Parsons Gary 11:15
none Pleskovitch Lyresa 09:43
10468 Rocchio Calvin 08:21
8512 Rogers Phil 10:44
8978 Ross Roy 09:28
6789 Russell Nancy 10:20
10975 Sacramento Jeffrey 07:53
none Salariosa Anthony 08:43
2777 Salyer Kevin 09:31
5901 Schwartz Barry 08:25
7622 Sexton Robert B. 10:10
10955 Smith Mark 10:44
10877 Stinson E.O. 09:58
7590 Taylor Mark 07:46
227 Teachout Todd 10:33
10751 Theriault Michael 10:25
9133 Turnbow Joe 08:27
7383 Uz Metin 08:07
6130 Walker David 10:56
8160 Walstad Eric 09:07
6435 Wenner Brad 10:50
9906 Wesley Edward 10:16
7050 Williams Don 11:08
Finishing Riders: 91
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 9:53:31
Average speed for finishing riders: 12.56 m/h (20.22 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

February 13, 2016 Two Rock/Valley Ford 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
6151 Andersen Carl 07:21
10978 Arnoco Renato 07:42
696 Astrue Elaine 08:16
8313 Backman Steve 08:22
7277 Beato Greg 08:57
4269 Beato Keith 11:21
5090 Bevan Roland 09:15
10107 Blumstein Stuart 11:10
9364 Bouchard Gilles 07:47
3331 Brier Bill 07:21
9745 Brown Scott 09:49
5318 Budvytis Gintautas 08:09
none Buenaventura Orville 13:04
2468 Buntrock Robert 08:38
10771 Cauthorn Robert 12:15
10340 Chalfant Michael 07:59
6012 Clark Rebecca 12:26
6052 Clarkson Bryan 11:21
none Colagross Ashley 13:04
none Colijn Peter 09:17
7929 Cooledge Andrew 09:50
10937 Cools Therese 09:40
7611 Crovella Dennis 10:36
8094 Dixon Jonathan 08:16
7545 Driscoll Tom 09:29
5726 Fitzpatrick Matthew 08:43
7224 Forsman Tina 11:11
7245 Friedly Gabrielle 08:38
none Galicia Sergio 09:28
6987 Gernez Raphael 07:47
11006 Gilson Jay 09:53
9295 Goldenberg Benjamin 10:09
3301 Goursolle Kitty 09:18
5831 Haas Stephen 11:21
8406 Harvey Kevin 12:00
2515 Hawks Rob 08:00
none Hill Craig 10:08
none Hill Yi-Hui 10:08
2082 Houck Timothy 09:38
10267 Johnston Brian 08:57
5640 Jordan Mick 10:13
6791 Kahn Michael 08:51
8074 Klein Ann 11:26
none Klein Sebastien 09:22
none Koss Brian 07:39
7247 Larsen Eric 09:38
10039 Lawrence Jason 09:18
1197 Layn Fred 09:36
8413 Lockwood Robert 09:53
8869 MacFarlane Joann 12:00
8400 MacFarlane Phil 12:00
9738 Major Chad 08:16
9229 Marshall Eric 09:24
4185 Mason Aron 07:39
2133 McCaw Richard 08:15
6103 McCumber Kaley 11:52
3381 McPhate Lisa-Susan 09:57
6034 McQuinn Barbara 12:00
none Miranda Nr Mario 09:27
6009 Monsen William 10:09
11131 Moore Anson 07:29
10925 Moore Michael 09:53
10201 Morehouse Ryan 08:11
10905 Moyles James 09:30
none Mysza Michael 09:33
8427 Namara Yogy 08:15
8872 Navarro Angela 09:37
3971 Norris Eric 09:37
11109 Pannell Dan 09:19
5343 Placiakis Vidas 08:09
none Pleskovitch Lyresa 09:29
2506 Poletto Max 07:21
11155 Powell Sandra 10:36
6629 Primrose Denise 11:26
none Ring John 08:39
8512 Rogers Phil 09:50
8978 Ross Roy 08:47
none Ryan Christine 09:17
10975 Sacramento Jeffrey 08:19
none Salariosa Anthony 08:19
5901 Schwartz Barry 07:43
10904 Seedall Mark 09:30
none Sommerfeld Chris 08:51
10877 Stinson E.O. 08:03
7590 Taylor Mark 07:29
9133 Turnbow Joe 07:31
7383 Uz Metin 09:01
11152 Volkoff Brian 08:39
6130 Walker David 09:53
6036 Walters Scott 12:26
6435 Wenner Brad 10:04
9906 Wesley Edward 10:13
6490 Wholey Mary 09:53
7268 Wilson James 08:51
7256 Wong Aaron 10:34
Finishing Riders: 95
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 9:30:54
Average speed for finishing riders: 13.06 m/h (21.02 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

March 5, 2016 Russian River 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 16:45
8791 Jim Baker 16:28
5090 Roland Bevan 16:42
10340 Michael Chalfant 15:36
5423 Brian Chun 16:45
7241 Juliayn Coleman 19:00
8102 Teng Gao 14:59
7588 Bill Green 16:35
5831 Stephen Haas 19:00
3356 Tom Haggerty 19:00
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 17:06
1625 John Holmgren 19:00
2082 Timothy Houck 17:08
8074 Ann Klein 16:45
7247 Eric Larsen 15:48
4185 Aron Mason 14:59
5464 Jason Pierce 16:45
2506 Max Poletto 14:59
10468 Calvin Rocchio 14:59
8978 Roy Ross 15:36
3321 Ron Smith 17:54
7590 Mark Taylor 14:00
6130 David Walker 17:08
10717 Froste Wistrom 14:59
1570 Timothy Woudenberg 18:00
Finishing Riders: 25
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 16:38:14
Average speed for finishing riders: 11.20 m/h (18.03 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

April 9, 2016 Hopland 400k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 17:12
5285 Becky Berka 19:43
5090 Roland Bevan 21:37
3331 Bill Brier 17:12
2468 Robert Buntrock 22:43
10340 Michael Chalfant 19:02
5423 Brian Chun 25:50
6052 Bryan Clarkson 21:06
7241 Juliayn Coleman 24:08
9205 Brian Feinberg 21:06
5899 Kevin Fitzpatrick 23:43
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 19:02
7245 Gabrielle Friedly 19:43
6987 Raphael Gernez 18:22
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 24:08
7588 Bill Green 20:35
3356 Tom Haggerty 21:06
2879 Geoffrey Hastings 22:43
8930 Patrick Herlihy 21:43
6380 Bryan Kilgore 17:12
7247 Eric Larsen 19:38
4185 Aron Mason 18:56
8427 Yogy Namara 24:30
5464 Jason Pierce 21:43
5343 Vidas Placiakis 22:43
8978 Roy Ross 19:02
2777 Kevin Salyer 20:27
6715 Michael Svihura 19:13
7590 Mark Taylor 18:33
6130 David Walker 21:06
8160 Eric Walstad 19:38
Finishing Riders: 31
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 20:45
Average speed for finishing riders: 11.98 m/h ( 19.27 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

April 16, 2016 El Cerrito-Davis 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8063 Jon Beckham 11:05
9205 Brian Feinberg 10:07
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 09:46
none Patrick Gordis 08:34
5831 Stephen Haas 11:05
8831 Paul Ivanov 10:07
8254 Naoki Iwakami 09:05
1132 Ken Johnson 10:40
9511 Matthew Liggett 10:07
6034 Barbara McQuinn 11:00
8872 Angela Navarro 11:05
11111 Mary Nicholl 11:04
3971 Eric Norris 10:07
10877 E.O. Stinson 10:10
8393 Ryan Thompson 11:05
6435 brad wenner 10:26
Finishing Riders: 16
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 10:20:49
Average speed for finishing riders: 12.01 m/h ( 19.33 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

May 14, 2016 Mendocino Coast 600K (Former Fort Bragg 600K) Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8063 Jon Beckham 37:00
9239 Dan Beringhele 34:07
3331 Bill Brier 27:50
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 33:20
2468 Robert Buntrock 27:50
10340 Michael Chalfant 31:05
5423 Brian Chun 35:45
6052 Bryan Clarkson 36:30
7241 Juliayn Coleman 37:30
10937 Therese Cools 33:20
7588 Bill Green 32:44
3356 Tom Haggerty 36:30
2515 Rob Hawks 27:50
none Patrick Hofweber 31:26
none rita jett 31:26
6380 Bryan Kilgore 27:50
9021 Yu Kuwabara 31:27
9229 Eric Marshall 33:20
2133 Richard McCaw 31:32
8872 Angela Navarro 37:00
9452 Erik Nohlin 31:26
8978 Roy Ross 34:07
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 31:27
Finishing Riders: 23
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders: 32:42:42
Average speed for finishing riders: 11.4 m/h (18.34 km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 11, 2016 El Paseito Mixto 100K Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
5090 Roland Bevan 06:19
4841 Carlos Duque 05:32
8254 Naoki Iwakami 05:32
10877 E.O. Stinson 06:00
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

June 25, 2016 Russian River 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
11139 Samir Aboulhouda 09:58
5285 Becky Berka 08:44
9745 Scott Brown 10:10
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 08:38
6949 Drew Carlson 09:34
10771 Robert Cauthorn 11:54
7611 Dennis Crovella 10:22
3116 John Curd 10:45
none Zhanibek Datbayev 10:13
none Jeff Farnsworth 09:56
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 08:31
2515 Rob Hawks 08:31
8930 Patrick Herlihy 08:31
8831 Paul Ivanov 09:25
1132 Ken Johnson 09:40
8074 Ann Klein 10:47
10911 C. Amy Krivda 11:40
1197 Fred Layn 09:34
10840 Shun-Ming Lin 10:27
7596 Eileen Lloyd 12:30
3381 Lisa-Susan McPhate 08:26
10902 Fabrice Medio 10:47
9375 Qasim Meskienyar 09:30
11115 Colin Moy 10:22
none Lauren Mustante 11:40
2505 Willy Nevin 10:30
11111 Mary Nicholl 10:20
none Mark Nienberg 08:26
5464 Jason Pierce 08:26
10262 elaine roberts 11:23
10904 Mark Seedall 09:56
none David Signor 09:56
10877 E.O. Stinson 08:58
8324 andy strickland 11:23
6044 Andrea Symons 08:31
9737 Mark Ueeck 08:39
6130 David Walker 10:48
8709 Julia Walker 10:48
9906 Edward Wesley 10:33
none Kuat Yessenov 10:12
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 9, 2016 SF-Cloverdale 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7277 Greg Beato 09:29
10107 Stuart Blumstein 11:16
3977 Lori Cherry 09:43
3116 John Curd 11:14
9025 Peter Curley 09:26
7545 Tom Driscoll 09:24
287 Bonnie Faigeles 11:44
5899 Kevin Fitzpatrick 11:04
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 08:17
2515 Rob Hawks 09:19
10902 Fabrice Medio 10:19
5120 Greg Merritt 09:27
11474 Carolyn Ortenburger 10:19
5464 Jason Pierce 09:04
5343 Vidas Placiakis 09:19
none Lyresa Pleskovitch 09:24
151 Craig Robertson 09:43
6789 Nancy Russell 10:19
10904 Mark Seedall 11:44
11004 david sexton 11:14
10751 Michael Theriault 10:35
8160 Eric Walstad 09:19
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 9, 2016 SF-Cloverdale 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
5844 Philip Auriemma 16:13
3331 Bill Brier 12:48
10340 Michael Chalfant 12:48
8093 Emma Dixon 14:08
8094 Jonathan Dixon 14:08
8831 Paul Ivanov 14:55
8074 Ann Klein 17:57
9021 Yu Kuwabara 13:44
3381 Lisa-Susan McPhate 15:56
8427 Yogy Namara 14:56
8978 Roy Ross 14:03
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 13:48
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 10, 2016 Cloverdale-SF 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7277 Greg Beato 10:08
10107 stuart blumstein 10:33
3331 Bill Brier 07:34
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:18
3977 Lori Cherry 09:36
3116 John Curd 09:35
9025 Peter Curley 08:40
8093 Emma Dixon 08:32
8094 Jonathan Dixon 08:32
7545 Tom Driscoll 08:52
287 Bonnie Faigeles 09:18
2515 Rob Hawks 07:37
8831 Paul Ivanov 08:40
8074 Ann Klein 11:53
9021 Yu Kuwabara 07:34
10902 Fabrice Medio 10:47
5120 Greg Merritt 08:31
8427 Yogy Namara 09:4
11474 Carolyn Ortenburger 10:08
5464 Jason Pierce 08:25
5343 Vidas Placiakis 08:40
none Lyresa Pleskovitch 08:52
151 Craig Robertson 09:36
11494 Kris Roginski 11:53
8978 Roy Ross 08:40
6789 Nancy Russell 10:01
10904 Mark Seedall 08:30
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 07:34
10751 Michael Theriault 10:08
8160 Eric Walstad 08:40
6435 brad wenner 09:43
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 16, 2016 Orr Springs 600k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7647 Cheryl Becker 38:29
9239 Dan Beringhele 39:42
9229 Eric Marshall 38:49
10004 Jay Nadeau 39:42
8978 Roy Ross 39:01
10717 Froste Wistrom 38:29
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

July 31, 2016 Freestone Bread Run 200K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 12:26
8063 Jon Beckham 10:55
9239 Dan Beringhele 10:55
3331 Bill Brier 08:25
9745 Scott Brown 11:43
10771 Robert Cauthorn 13:08
8043 Nathanial Cavalieri 12:30
None Colin Christy 12:30
None Julie Delbuck 11:28
9205 Brian Feinberg 11:28
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 08:32
None Steven Garen 12:29
3356 Tom Haggerty 10:41
Catherine Hambley 13:08
8930 Patrick Herlihy 08:37
9274 Craig Hicks 09:40
None Brian Koss 08:25
1197 Fred Layn 11:43
10840 Shun-Ming Lin 11:43
9738 Chad Major 09:28
None Kevin Matthews 13:08
2133 Richard McCaw 09:31
8872 Angela Navarro 10:55
8422 Christian Olmos 10:55
11474 Carolyn Ortenburger 09:29
10446 Gary Parsons 11:28
10262 Elaine Roberts 11:57
8978 Roy Ross 09:07
5901 Barry Schwartz 09:07
5186 Clayton Scott 10:04
7622 Robert Sexton 10:09
11425 JinUk Shin 09:31
11476 Prashant Singh 08:25
10955 Mark Smith 11:43
10877 Eric Stinson 09:06
8324 Andy Strickland 11:57
6715 Michael Svihura 09:55
8160 Eric Walstad 11:26
6435 Brad Wenner 12:30
9906 Edward Wesley 11:40
7268 James Wilson 11:14
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 11, 2016 Golden Gate 1000k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
9057 Sheherezade Adams 64:39
8037 Scott Agatep 63:34
8312 Edward Bennett 68:53
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 63:34
2468 Robert Buntrock 68:53
7495 Mike Kehler 68:53
8074 Ann Klein 73:37
7247 Eric Larsen 73:01
5464 Jason Pierce 59:26
1847 Mike Sturgill 60:56
9917 Wei Sun 65:36
8160 Eric Walstad 63:34
7898 Corinne Warren 63:34
6435 Brad Wenner 66:52
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

August 27, 2016 King Ridge 400k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 25:00
7647 Cheryl Becker 22:34
8063 Jon Beckham 22:28
6987 Raphael Gernez 23:24
none Rita Jett 21:52
9021 Yu Kuwabara 20:36
8427 Yogy Namara 25:29
9452 Erik Nohlin 21:52
2506 Max Poletto 19:23
8978 Roy Ross 22:28
7622 Robert Sexton 25:32
10687 Jeffrey Sigman 20:36
none Michael Solis 25:32
8160 Eric Walstad 25:00
10717 Froste Wistrom 19:23
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 10, 2016 Davis Night 230k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
9935 Joe Clucas 11:08
11111 Mary Nicholl 11:08
7622 Robert Sexton 11:08
11476 Prashant Singh 11:08
10751 Michael Theriault 11:08
8393 Ryan Thompson 11:08
9906 Ed Wesley 11:08
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 17, 2016 Old Caz 300k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 17:09
6151 Carl Andersen 13:18
7647 Cheryl Becker 15:11
8063 Jon Beckham 18:18
9239 Dan Beringhele 18:18
3331 Bill Brier 13:18
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 15:53
1625 John Holmgren 19:36
11432 Andrew Jaeger 19:39
7247 Eric Larsen 17:09
6065 Ernesto Montenero 17:09
5370 Russell Morris 19:36
10004 Jay Nadeau 15:53
8427 Yogy Namara 18:47
8872 Angela Navarro 18:18
2506 Max Poletto 13:18
10468 Calvin Rocchio 13:18
8978 Roy Ross 15:11
none Michael Solis 17:09
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 25, 2016 El Paseito Mixto 100k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 06:38
none John Bono 06:44
none Frank Dang 06:44
4841 Carlos Duque 05:12
none John Fitzgerald 05:12
5726 Matthew Fitzpatrick 04:50
8102 Teng Gao 05:50
none April Herring-Murray 06:44
11415 Xande Macedo 06:43
none Andrew Murray 06:44
6715 Michael Svihura 06:15
none Tom Truong 06:44
7383 Metin Uz 06:00
8160 Eric Walstad 06:38
6435 Brad Wenner 06:43
6373 Charles Wilson 05:11
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

September 25, 2016 Lucas Valley 110k Populaire Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
none Susan Bergmann 06:53
3502 Sarah Burke 06:36
none Brian Coyne 04:29
9205 Brian Feinberg 05:28
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 06:15
none Gary Goldman 06:00
9354 Lori Grob 06:57
2515 rob hawks 05:13
9274 Craig Hicks 04:52
none Robert Ho 04:25
7285 David Holmes-Kinsella 06:36
none June Honda 04:52
9081 Jeremiah Johnson 04:22
6791 Michael Kahn 05:07
none Reed Kennedy 06:28
8074 Ann Klein 05:49
none Bertram Koelsch 06:15
none Benjamin Koss 06:22
none Brian Koss 06:22
9387 Isaiah Kramer 05:21
6103 Kaley McCumber 05:28
6034 Barbara McQuinn 06:53
none Lina Nilsson 06:15
7294 Benz Ouyang 05:40
5464 Jason Pierce 04:18
none Domas Placiakis 06:22
5343 Vidas Placiakis 06:22
6629 Denise Primrose 06:36
10088 Anna Raymond 06:32
10262 elaine roberts 05:10
6391 Elias Rodriguez 05:21
8978 Roy Ross 05:19
none Shannon Satterwhite 06:15
7622 Robert Sexton 06:57
8324 andy strickland 05:10
227 Todd Teachout 05:25
9906 Edward Wesley 06:32
10853 Fran Williams 06:57
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 6, 2016 Coastal Mountain Climber 1000K Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
9057 Sheherezade Adams 72:15
8063 Jon Beckham 72:15
9239 dan beringhele 72:15
6380 Bryan Kilgore 72:01
7247 Eric Larsen 72:01
2506 Max Poletto 69:51
4947 Matt Roy 69:51
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 15, 2016 Marin Mountains 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
7319 Megan Arnold 12:57
8063 Jon Beckham 11:57
none Brian Koss 13:29
5120 Greg Merritt 12:39
11001 Albert Reinhardt 11:57
10468 Calvin Rocchio 11:57
8978 Roy Ross 13:29
8160 Eric Walstad 12:57
10717 Froste Wistrom 12:25
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

October 22, 2016 Winters 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8063 Jon Beckham 10:05
9239 dan beringhele 10:05
10340 Michael Chalfant 07:44
7241 Juliayn Coleman 09:45
7611 Dennis Crovella 10:02
Zhanibek Datbayev 10:37
8093 Emma Dixon 08:52
8094 Jonathan Dixon 08:52
10249 Renee Dodge 10:00
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:45
none Charles Fineman 08:36
5726 matthew fitzpatrick 07:44
11006 Jay Gilson 10:11
11551 Gary Goldman 09:45
3301 kitty goursolle 09:26
2515 Rob Hawks 08:43
none Robert Ho 07:42
1132 ken johnson 09:48
none Gregory Kennedy 07:42
6380 Bryan Kilgore 08:57
291 Tom Lawrence 07:55
2133 Richard McCaw 08:17
10925 Michael Moore 10:02
11115 Colin Moy 10:11
8872 Angela Navarro 10:05
11111 Mary Nicholl 10:18
5464 Jason Pierce 07:43
5343 Vidas Placiakis 08:36
8174 Giedrius Praspaliauskas 08:36
11592 Myvan Quoc 10:22
8512 Phil Rogers 10:52
8978 Roy Ross 08:57
11583 Laura Spano 10:02
8381 Libby Subers 10:52
10751 Michael Theriault 09:17
7383 Metin Uz 07:54
6130 David Walker 10:22
8709 Julia Walker 10:22
7050 Don Williams 09:12
6373 Charles Wilson 07:33
none Kuat Yessenov 10:37
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

November 5, 2016 Del Puerto Canyon 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
8037 Scott Agatep 08:52
5776 Sol Ameen 10:48
6151 Carl Andersen 08:02
10978 Renato Arnoco 08:42
9651 Kamran Azmoudeh 09:08
none Amit Banerjee 10:07
7647 Cheryl Becker 07:48
8063 Jon Beckham 09:03
none Christine Bergum 09:29
9239 dan beringhele 11:45
3331 Bill Brier 07:21
9745 Scott Brown 10:28
2468 Robert Buntrock 07:48
10771 Robert Cauthorn 10:52
none Jo Celso 06:53
10340 Michael Chalfant 07:44
none Eric Chodoroff 07:07
11639 Braxton Colagross 11:54
7241 Juliayn Coleman 12:03
10937 Therese Cools 11:55
none Brian Coyne 08:08
none Jason Craig 11:54
7611 Dennis Crovella 09:42
3116 John Curd 10:25
5909 Linda Dal Gallo 10:48
8935 Dzung Dang 09:20
none Sourav Das 09:33
8093 Emma Dixon 07:59
8094 Jonathan Dixon 07:59
7545 Tom Driscoll 08:30
none Scott Duncan 07:59
4841 Carlos Duque 09:28
5216 Ken Emerson 09:10
9205 Brian Feinberg 09:24
8416 Charles Fournier 11:42
9176 maggie fournier 11:42
7245 Gabrielle Friedly 08:02
9052 Tobias Funk 09:24
8493 Nat Futterman 06:53
8102 Teng Gao 08:20
11006 Jay Gilson 09:47
11551 Gary Goldman 09:40
6324 James Gourgoutis 12:28
none James Greenhill 12:28
2515 Rob Hawks 07:32
none Peter Heller 09:55
none Eduardo Heredia 12:28
3970 Mike Hrast 09:30
1132 ken johnson 09:56
10378 Kris Jones 07:48
none Andrew Judd 07:07
6380 Bryan Kilgore 07:21
none Jack Klebanoff 09:18
8074 Ann Klein 09:47
11616 Jim Lane 10:28
7247 Eric Larsen 09:28
none Christopher Lee 07:07
10060 Robert Liles 09:23
none Roman Mardoyan-Smyth 11:54
9229 Eric Marshall 11:55
2133 Richard McCaw 08:28
none Matthew McHugh 07:07
8514 Paul McKenzie 07:26
3381 Lisa McPhate 08:56
6034 Barbara McQuinn 10:38
10902 Fabrice Medio 09:19
5120 Greg Merritt 11:45
9375 Qasim Meskienyar 08:32
6065 Ernesto Montenero 12:28
10925 Mike Moore 11:58
10201 Ryan Morehouse 07:44
11115 Colin Moy 10:27
none Michael Mysza 09:00
8872 Angela Navarro 09:03
none Mike Neering 08:58
11624 Huy Nguyen 08:56
11111 Mary Nicholl 09:10
9452 Erik Nohlin 07:21
none Kristin Olsen 12:28
10396 Matt Pendleton 09:30
7103 Irving Pham 11:54
5464 Jason Pierce 07:21
5343 Vidas Placiakis 08:20
none Lyresa Pleskovitch 08:30
2506 Max Poletto 07:21
5067 John Potis 12:03
8174 Giedrius Praspaliauskas 09:02
11592 Myvan Quoc 10:28
8512 Phil Rogers 10:28
8978 Roy Ross 07:48
10975 Jeffrey Sacramento 08:42
8399 Carl Sanders 07:21
7473 Sarah Schroer 07:26
11445 Meryl Schuck 09:10
10904 Mark Seedall 09:05
7622 Robert Sexton 09:27
10955 Mark A. Smith 10:28
11583 Laura Spano 09:27
11548 Arvi Sreenivasan 09:28
6715 Michael Svihura 09:02
6044 Andrea Symons 08:36
10751 Michael Theriault 09:03
9042 Robert Thompson 08:20
none Tom Truong 08:30
9133 Joe Turnbow 07:32
7383 Metin Uz 07:48
none Dorina Vaccaroni 07:07
11628 Pat Wai 11:58
6130 David Walker 10:38
8709 Julia Walker 10:38
6435 Brad Wenner 10:07
9906 Edward wesley 10:38
7050 Don Willliams 08:08
6373 Charles Wilson 07:21
none Jacob Wolf 09:25
9287 David Zabowski 12:29
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)

Please note, results are preliminary and are subject to both correction and certification.

December 3, 2016 Uvas Gold 200k Brevet Results

(You can sort the table by clicking on any column header)
Rusa # Last Name First Name Time
6151 Carl Andersen 08:09
10978 Renato Arnoco 10:48
9651 Kamran Azmoudeh 10:39
887 Mark Behning 11:14
9239 dan beringhele 09:03
10107 stuart blumstein 11:40
9364 Gilles Bouchard 08:42
4006 Jacques Boutet 12:42
3331 Bill Brier 08:09
9745 Scott Brown 11:14
5318 Gintautas Budvytis 09:06
2468 Robert Buntrock 08:48
10106 Paul Carpenter 08:22
none Jo Celso 08:09
10340 Michael Chalfant 08:42
3116 John Curd 11:29
11675 Sourav Das 11:14
11666 Stephen Demjanenko 09:43
none Arnel Dionisio 10:48
8093 Emma Dixon 09:06
8094 Jonathan Dixon 09:06
6763 Mark Elgood 10:31
5216 Ken Emerson 09:58
4731 Mark Engebretson 10:28
9205 Brian Feinberg 11:40
5726 matthew fitzpatrick 11:29
8416 Charles Fournier 12:15
7245 Gabrielle Friedly 09:30
8493 Nat Futterman 08:09
11676 Vasu Ganti 11:40
6987 Raphael Gernez 08:42
9295 Benjamin Goldenberg 11:29
11551 Gary Goldman 11:40
none Patrick Gordis 08:09
7147 Francisco Grajales 11:29
5831 Stephen Haas 12:57
3356 Tom Haggerty 12:57
2515 Rob Hawks 09:03
none Robert Ho 08:22
10267 Brian Johnston 09:59
1721 Charles Jonas 11:14
11608 Gregory Kennedy 08:22
none Bumha Lee 10:31
6755 Jesse Marsh 11:29
10902 Fabrice Medio 09:59
none Michael Mooney 08:22
8427 Yogy Namara 10:42
none Henri Revet 10:51
8512 Phil Rogers 11:14
8978 Roy Ross 09:03
7622 Robert Sexton 11:40
10955 Mark A. Smith 11:14
11660 Daryl Spano 08:09
10877 Eric Stinson 09:43
6715 Michael Svihura 09:24
10751 Michael Theriault 10:51
7383 Metin Uz 09:03
none Dorina Vaccaroni 08:22
8160 Eric Walstad 09:03
9875 Karin Weller 09:58
6373 Charles Wilson 08:09
Finishing Riders:
Temperature: °-°
Elevation gain: ~ feet (~ meters).
Average time for finishing riders:
Average speed for finishing riders: m/h ( km/h)